Legal Evidence or Opinion
There is a big difference between evidence and opinion. This is relevant in law and life. When I read a newspaper, it isn’t so often easy to parse the difference,...
Dark Sheep Hunter
I am one of about two million or more people who have worked for the Federal Government. Being a part of that requires one of two outcomes for your mental...
Better 3D modeling
For a long time now I have been working on learning how to model and animate in 3D. While I have used my 3D skills to create lower-thirds for video...
Do we vote for Political Party or the Candidate
Is voting for a presidential candidate a popularity contest? Is the role of president the personification of an agenda despite party affiliation? Does it boil down to agenda or representation?...
Trump on pulling down statues in America
There are at least three mindsets on who believe they know what Trumps believes on this issue. First, it is a dog whistle to racist Americans: defend southern racists by...
John Jay Our Duty
We must go home to be happy, and our home is not in this world. Here we have nothing to do but our duty.
First 2020 Presidential Debate Outcomes
Well, civility is politicis is dead. Call it people! September 29, 2020 at 8pm Central Standard Time. From constant interupting to politicians shushing each other or calling each other liars...
George Wasington Patriotic Imposters
Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.
Ballot Harvesting in 2020 America
It isn’t a concern at this point. It is a fact. The only way you might not know would be if you were only listening to liberal press. One thing...
Hope even when you don't know
Sometimes, I lack hope. Maybe I need hope for a specific situation, but the overwhelming lack of hope in other parts of my life drains my ability to see a...
Supreme Court Nominations In An Election Year
There is a bit of discussion about whether or not it seems legitimate or illigitimate for a president to fill a Supreme Court justice seat during an election year. I...
Information is not understanding
We’ve all met people who can jam a lot of information in their heads and even recall it with speed, but at the same time they seem to lack the...
Black Politics is not monolythic
I’ve had many conversations about how the black community is not a monolyth when it comes to political alignment. Most recently, I have a conversation that highlighted the idea that...
Tokyo Storefronts book by Mateusz Urbanowicz
I recently picked up a book of watercool art and I love it. Most books I buy these days are digital. The exceptions are a few books where I either...
Church is the launchpad for eternity
There is no replacement in life for your natural human family. No doubt. I’ve learned so many hard lessons in life from spending time with my family. In that way,...
Politicians Lie
The fact that they lie is nothing new. It is the importance of catching them in a lie that matters. With the 2020 Presidential debates coming soon, it is good...
Mercy means trying again
Ugh! This is my inner voice telling me to chill out and try again. If you are anything like me, I can sometimes get caught up in a new thing...
Get the shot
Doing nearly anything creative isn’t about the tools. Don’t get me wrong, I love the tools I have. But the experience of being stretched by not always having the right...
Get Inspired Every Day
I read a while ago that reading in bed using mobile devices can really damage your sleep patterns. It has something to do with the light emanating from your phone...
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
The 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been a powerhouse in defense of human rights. Dating back to mid-to-late 1800s, the key phrase that made all of the difference...