Well, civility is politicis is dead. Call it people! September 29, 2020 at 8pm Central Standard Time. From constant interupting to politicians shushing each other or calling each other liars and clowns, it’s a mess out there. But we have a history of drama in politics so at the same time I don’t believe any of this to be a real surprise or historically new.

U.S. Politics has been full of drama from the start

We know how it’s done. While it is ugly and polls show people are irritated at politican shenanigans, we have a long history. Here is a scene from the film O Brother, Where Art Thou to remind us.

It would be more entertaining if life didn’t immitate art - immitating life.

Not Made in the U.S.A.

But we come by our shenanigans honestly. I don’t know that this will bring you any real peace, but have a look across the pond at how daily life in the British Parliament works:

It’s almost commical. Almost. I think some sheltered Americans (including myself in this category here a bit) might hope for something more civil and a bit more respectable, but honestly that is like asking for something that politics never really had.

I recall when growing up hearing about how southerners could be polite to your face while talking regularly behind your back in rude ways. Northerners were offended at the very notion of that, take New Yorkers for example. They would much prefer to swear right in your face while you walk away not caring. Politics personifies this reality.

Politics seems to waver between the two in the U.S. Our politicians like to level accusations of uncivil discourse, while calling people names in the next breath.

What we learned from the debate

My take-away from the debate were essentially the following:

Both Politicians

Trump Surprises

Biden Surprises