I’ve had many conversations about how the black community is not a monolyth when it comes to political alignment. Most recently, I have a conversation that highlighted the idea that the only way to deal with the issue of racism required voting for liberal political candidates. I took exception.

Specifically, it was said that conservatives are not all racist, but that they don’t see racism as a show-stopper. I posed the idea that black conservatives seem pretty passionate about fighting racism while not agreeing with the idea that liberals are the only way to care about racism. The response that came back was the simile that abused spouses still stick with their abusers implying black republicans are abused by the republicans with which they are affiliated.

This article is about listening to conservative black voices. They do not deny racism exists. They tend to not agree with popular liberal assumptions about institutional racism (some have publically said that they believe the existance of some forms of institutional racism is real but do not believe all racism is institutional and feel it is important to parse the difference.) And they believe that the liberal agenda both historically promoted classic institutional racism and that the modern liberal agenda abuses the issue to exploit black concerns without producing helpful solutions. These conservative black voices tend to promote solutions wrapped in opportunity rather than class-warfare designed to drive angst for election exploitation.

The pattern I have seen the most in my conversations is that a large majority of people who advocate for liberal political class warfare on the issue of racism have not listened to black conservative voices… nearly at all. In fact, the media do not tend to promote them, so yes, like anything worthy of effort you have to be intentional in your search.

The same is generally true of black history. With the exception of a few commonly mentioned black historical figured that support modern liberal talking-points and a list of black names of people who we might deem victims (often rightly so), black conservative voices are not promoted because they do not feed the liberal agenda of race-based class warfare. So those voices are lost to history if you are waiting around for modern media to promote them.

Well, rest assured, they do exist, and in large numbers, and here is a short list of very modern names and links, followed by an even longer list of extremely popular sports figures, politicians, writers, actors, and commentators. Buckle up:

Tyrone Magnus

Jesse Lee Peterson

Deroy Murdock

Syndicated Columnist at The National Review Online

Angela McGlowan

News analyst and author of the book Bamboozled: How americans are being exploited by the lies of the liberal agenda

Shelby Steele

A senior fellow at Standard University who advocates for the black conservative movement

Ward Connerly

The chairman of the American Civil Rights Institute advocating for the undoing of liberal agenda disguised as civil rights advocasy

Project 21

A conservative black think tank

Robert George

Conservative Columnist for the New York Post

Ken Blackwell

Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council

Star Parker

Conservative Syndicated columnist

Lary Elder

Conservative author, columnist, and vloger

Black Republican

The Black Republican blogger

The list goes on and on and on and it should be worth noting I’ve intentionally left out many very recognizable popular black voices. For example:

… and dear glorious heaven the list goes on and on and on. All it takes is searching for conservative black voices to know there is no shortage of brilliant black conservatives. And they are quick to note the following real facts:

I am confident the above conservative black people would feel fully offended if someone stood before them and informed them that either…

  1. For as long as they stay conservative, they are like an abused spouse unwilling to leave their abuser, or…
  2. They don’t “get” racism, or…
  3. Liberal Politicians are the only group trying to solve racism

I believe in fighting racism. I believe I have shown here that historically and in the modern sense conservative politicians are working to solve for problems in ways that match their historical and modern values, even if it doesn’t match the liberal tactics, which can be argued have created more historical harm than good.

I think conservatives just disagree with liberal-minded people on how to actually do that, how much of that is politically solvable at a Federal and State level, and I might disagree with some on what has historically worked and what has historically failed in the fight against racism and how those successes and failures align with Democrat and Republican historical agendas.