Hope even when you don't know
Sometimes, I lack hope. Maybe I need hope for a specific situation, but the overwhelming lack of hope in other parts of my life drains my ability to see a...
Supreme Court Nominations In An Election Year
There is a bit of discussion about whether or not it seems legitimate or illigitimate for a president to fill a Supreme Court justice seat during an election year. I...
Information is not understanding
We’ve all met people who can jam a lot of information in their heads and even recall it with speed, but at the same time they seem to lack the...
Black Politics is not monolythic
I’ve had many conversations about how the black community is not a monolyth when it comes to political alignment. Most recently, I have a conversation that highlighted the idea that...
Church is the launchpad for eternity
There is no replacement in life for your natural human family. No doubt. I’ve learned so many hard lessons in life from spending time with my family. In that way,...