Why Do You Do Social Media
There are many reasons people join social media. There are also a number of reasons people shy away from social media. Today I am going to clear up some confusion...
Legal Evidence or Opinion
There is a big difference between evidence and opinion. This is relevant in law and life. When I read a newspaper, it isn’t so often easy to parse the difference,...
Dark Sheep Hunter
I am one of about two million or more people who have worked for the Federal Government. Being a part of that requires one of two outcomes for your mental...
Better 3D modeling
For a long time now I have been working on learning how to model and animate in 3D. While I have used my 3D skills to create lower-thirds for video...
Do we vote for Political Party or the Candidate
Is voting for a presidential candidate a popularity contest? Is the role of president the personification of an agenda despite party affiliation? Does it boil down to agenda or representation?...